Type of Ants Commonly
Found in Singapore

Sugar Ants

Pharoah Ants

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ants
How to exterminate them
- Ants live in colonies which consist of a Queen ant, workers ants and other ants. The ants that you see hunting for food are the worker ants and they made up about 30% of the total ant population. Killing worker ants does not solve your ants problems. The key to exterminating ants is to kill the entire colony.
Repellents or spray will cause colonies to split up and worsen the problem.
Preventing an infestation
- Preventing ants infestation is a continuous effort. Wipe up all food and water stains, residues on containers, repair plumbing leaks , clean dirty dishes immediately.
* Place and replace Combat baits continuously to avoid ants infestations.